Evan’s Ultimate Capital One Savor Cashback Calculator

The Capital One Savor credit cards offer some of the highest cashback rates on dining and entertainment.

The SavorOne card has no annual fee and gives 3% cashback on dining and entertainment (movies, museums, etc).

The Savor card ($95 annual fee, waived the first year) gives 4% cashback on those categories.

Is the annual fee worth it for your budget? Use the sliders to find out!

Summary of Benefits

Capital One SavorOne Capital One Savor
Capital One SavorOne Capital One Savor

$0 annual fee
$95 annual fee
3X dining 4X dining
3X entertainment 4X entertainment
2X supermarkets 2X supermarkets
1X other purchases 1X other purchases

$0 total value $0 total value

Budget Analysis

Monthly dining spend:
(Restaurants, bars, cafes)


Monthly entertainment:
(Movies, concerts, museums)


Monthly grocery spend:
(NOT Costco, Target, or Walmart)


Monthly total spend:
(including everything above)

Verdict: You’re better off with
Neither of these credit cards Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

What counts as dining for these Savor cards?

According to Capital One:

What counts as entertainment?

According to Capital One:

Do the Savor cards have foreign transaction fees?

Nope! Both the Savor and the SavorOne have zero transaction fees.

So is the annual fee of $95 for the Savor worth it?

If you spend at least $9,500 a year on dining and entertainment ($792/month, or $26 a day), the annual fee pays for itself. Otherwise, the no-fee SavorOne makes more sense.

Does the Capital One Savor have any other benefits that justifies the annual fee?

Occasionally, Capital One will offer a one-time signup incentive for the Savor card that may offset the annual fee in the first year. In the past, these incentives have included a cash bonus and a 12-month Postmates Unlimited benefit.

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